
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Argentina held a conference at the Book Fair

  • The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Argentina held a conference at the Book Fair
    The title of the interactive talk was: "I am Muslim- do you have any questions?" The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Argentina held a conference at the Book Fair
  • The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Argentina held a conference at the Book Fair
    The title of the interactive talk was: "I am Muslim- do you have any questions?" The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Argentina held a conference at the Book Fair
  • The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Argentina held a conference at the Book Fair
      The title of the interactive talk was: "I am Muslim- do you have any questions?" The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Argentina held a conference at the Book Fair
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The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, a reforming community that believes in His Holiness Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the Promised Messiah and Reformer of the latter days, held an informative talk for the first time at the Book Fair. The title of the interactive talk was: "I am Muslim- do you have any questions?"

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community held last Sunday at the Book Fair in Buenos Aires a conference that had a great impact on the local society. A large number of men and women crowded the Rodolfo Walsh hall of the most important cultural gathering that takes place every year in Argentina.

 The title of the call was: "I am Muslim- do you have any questions?"

The Muslim Community of Ahmadia, a reformist community that believes in His Holiness MirzaGhulam Ahmad as the promised Messiah and reformer of the last days, made an informative talk for the first time at the Book Fair.

 After the presentation made by the Imam Marwan Gill, the first one to take the floor was the ImámYousuf Khan from Uruguay. Before those present in the room, he explained in his speech that Islam is a religion of peace and has nothing to do with terrorism and fanaticism. He also explained the true concept of Jihad.
Adila Ahmad spoke about the woman in Islam and explained the great change that Islam made to grant women equality and same rights as men.
Later and before the amount of questions of the assistants, the talk was transferred to the stand of the community.
There, as every day, an open talk was held where the participants could ask their questions and get their doubts.